Watershed Management

Operations and Maintenance

Watershed Management provides guidance and best practices, and regulates discharge to reduce the effects of pollutants on water quality. This page covers management of parking lots, snow disposal, and snow melt. Visit the construction page for information on construction site management. Visit the development page for information on design criteria, low-impact development, and rain gardens.

The Maintenance and Operations Division performs a major portion of the maintenance needs on municipally owned properties throughout Anchorage. Street maintenance activities include snow removal, facility maintenance, fleet maintenance, communications, managing facility capital improvement projects, and a variety of other maintenance needs. 

Snow Disposal and Melting

Winter in Anchorage means removing, storing, and disposal of or melting large amounts of snow. Snow disposal sites can produce large amounts of pollutants if not properly managed. The Municipality has developed the following documents outlining specific requirements.

Parking Lots

Anchorage parking lots are a primary source of pollutants that are discharged into the water system because of the oil from cars, gravel, sand, ice melt, and other chemicals used to enhance traffic and pedestrian safety during the winter. The MOA has developed Best Management Practices (BMPs)—including control measures, system design, engineering methods, and other provisions—to reduce the effects of these pollutants.